I had heard rumblings of this before, but I still enjoy the article. I like Ramaswamy; I'll admit it. Does this make me hesitate about him? Yes, a little. And, no, I can't defend it. A true civil libertarian knows how these things will be abused and wouldn't suggest it in the first place. And someone with impeccable integrity wouldn't sacrifice their morals for a buck.

My conclusion is one I've been coming to for a while now: there are no good choices, only less bad choices. *shrug* What else do you say?

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This is why I subscribe to Contra. Phenomenal investigative reporting

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What a retarded plan. I could imagine a disease that this might make sense for but COVID was never that disease. The complete disconnect between actual scientific evidence and everything that was done during COVID continues to dismay.

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Wouldn't it be nice if we could actually believe that what they say is what they actually believe. At this point I tend not to believe any of them. I know you aren't a Trump guy (putting it mildly) but I hope his ego is so large that he will actually do something that helps us, not just talk about doing something. This might actually cement a more favorable spot in history and satisfy that large ego. I don't think I will hold my breath though.

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It's unsurprisingly disappointing. I was hoping he would be available in future elections. 😐

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Can’t wait for this fool to drop out.

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I think your last two paragraphs sums things up nicely.

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I think a lot of smart people simply assumed that vaccines are not an issue, we all got them as kids, whatever.

We now know that is not the case. Vaccines are a problem, a cash cow for Pharma, and no rigorous studies of vaxxed vs unvaxxed kids have ever been done. I disagree with RFKjr on a lot of things, but on this subject he has the goods.

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He needs to explains this.

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Are you suggesting that the Trump surrogate Soros grifter has routinely lied and shifted on every policy directive since announcing his candidacy for president? Shocking...

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Ron and Vivek's role now is to push Haley's Iowa and NH numbers down as far as possible. The Kochs and other Establishment types are funding her big time. She is a screeching horror on foreign policy.

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Vivek's campaign has gone dark, it seems

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Here's my take on the debate:

Newsom and DeSantis Both Win Debate

In terms of who “won” the debate on pure points, it was Mr. DeSantis, who kept pointing out under Mr. Newsom people are leaving California “in droves” and its population is declining. But as I wrote in my Nov. 22 Epoch Times article previewing the debate, “Basically, each candidate isn’t really debating the other, but auditioning for the nomination in his own party.”

That’s exactly what happened. Mr. DeSantis was not talking to national voters, but only to Republicans in Iowa before their Jan. 15 caucus and the New Hampshire Primary Jan. 23. He needs more than anything to pull away from former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and, possibly, challenge former President Donald Trump for the top spot.

Mr. Newsom, by contrast, needed to impress the members of the Democratic National Committee, who would pick a replacement should President Biden pull out of the race after the primaries.


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