
Thanks for the explanation although I didn’t need one. I expect you writing this may have provided some clarity for yourself. I subscribed because of what you write now. I had not heard of you when this all transpired and is of no consequence for me. I do imagine this has provided some insight into how trust and honor works and how it can come and go. You’ve got a powerful gift with words. Keep using that gift. You have supporters who see the game and have your back.

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it's chill

everyone will forget about this in less than a week

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Keep up the good work. The good news is that almost everyone who saw the Breitbart hit piece knew that it was a hit piece. The comments were filled with derogatory remarks directed at Breitbart. They had better watch it or they might end up like Fox News. Anyway, I’m glad that you’ve addressed it and are ready to move on (I was a little worried because I just subscribed to your Substack a week or so ago!) I hope Chronicles will be as understanding as your loyal subscribers.

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I wouldn't have even know about this if you hadn't brought it up.

I scanned through it. Yup, it's pretty ugly, in some parts. But . . . let he who is without sin cast the first stone. You've explained; now we go on.

I suppose what bothers me is that this sort of tarring someone with past comments to discredit current ideas was supposed to be the sole province of the left. Guess not.

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I couldn't care less about this. Among other things, you're my only hope. I have nowhere else to go. Trump proved himself a fraud immediately after he was elected in Nov. 2016. It was only then that I learned he'd have to "ask congress" for the wall and that Jared was de facto president. Early in 2017, around the time that Trump bombed Syria, I learned that in 2015 Jared (Ivanka's husband) had accepted a $250 million credit line from Soros. In Nov. 2010 the Tea Party delivered a landslide 63 seats to the GOP House. This despite being attacked and sabotaged by GOP establishment who would much rather have remained in the minority. A few months later in early 2011 Trump spoke at a Tea Party rally where an informed rallier knew of Trump's affection for Soros and that he'd accepted a $160 million loan from him in 2004 to build his Chicago hotel. The informed Tea Party rallier yelled to him, "What about Soros?" To which Trump answered, "Leave him alone. He's been having tough times lately. Talk about something else." An "America First Party" with no connection to Trump has actually existed in recent years. In April 2017 its website lamented Trump’s 2017 bombing of Syria: “Syria Attack at Odds with an America First Foreign Policy – April 16 [2017]– It is with sadness that we witnessed President Trump’s effective repudiation of the principles of an America First foreign policy last week, with his attack on a nation which is not threatening the security interests of the United States, and which is a natural ally with us in opposing Al-Qaeda.“…In 2002 The America First Party invited Ohio Rep. Jim Traficant to speak at its convention. Traficant was born in and beloved in his home town of Youngstown, Ohio, and was at one time Sheriff of Mahoning County. Sadly, he died in an accident in 2014. Traficant spoke at a 2009 Tea Party rally in Ohio where he was greeted with cheers of “Traficant for President,” and “We’re with you Jim.” He was a serious advocate of enforcing the US southern border, in mid 1990s then Democrat Traficant proposed a bill in the House to relocate 10,000 US troops from Europe to the US southern border. How do I know this? Because of Pedro's Chronicle Magazine: May 1996, “America First,“ James Traficant, Chronicles Magazine (subscription)

“Protecting Our Borders"

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“Accident” Very convenient for many.

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I don't think you need to apologize or act like the comments weren't freaking hilarious... and I'm a bit sick of people playing the victim card when they need a quick escape from warranted criticism. There's too many people I know in my family circles that have abused others and used it to escape it, and there's people in the political sphere that weaponize it too, and I'm really sick of it. I have a low tolerance for a community that doesn't actually follow it's tenants of faith an work actively against it... and then dog pile on people that call them out for their subversive NGO related bullshit. They're right up there with those Catholics who confuse the hell out of decent laity trying to honestly follow the tenants of their faith.

I've had those fun moments with friends sending outrageous stuff and memes to friends that you wouldn't say in normal conversation, I served 4 years in the Marines and if you had thin skin for that kind of stuff... you weren't going to make it... or friends.

I'm kind of sad you had to write this whole thing, but I understand. I appreciate you, and helping me get off that Trump wagon too. It saddens me, but it looks like either the normy conservatives have finally gained control of Trump as an asset, or he really just wants to win... regardless of the America First mentally he once launched or revived... It sucks, because like... for a lot of us he and COVID lifted the veil... and there's no going back.

Also, thank you for wanting to Nuremberg those that pushed the crap they did in COVID. I wrote that nasty woman in that Atlantic article with big bold words that said, "No." on it. I know I don't do a good example of my patron saint on this icon... but they're not getting forgiveness without repentance.

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Never apologize, never give in to the mob. Double down. Be proud. Even if you’ve “evolved”.

Haven’t you learned that yet?

Sad you think you have to bend over to the race fanatics. Personally , thought you were spot on about white people needing to wake up and Jews being a problematic as a group. They are but it’s not because of their ethnicity, it’s about what leftist policies they support as a collective whole. Same with Gays, Blacks or Hispanics etc.

You have the right to criticize.

This is actually an attack on Free Speech.

Don’t give in to the Hate Speech zealots. Every time you do you’re allowing them to destroy our 1st amendment.

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Excellent. No apologies. The fringe on either side will never be satisfied with apologies.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Pedro L. Gonzalez

There‘s a difference between holding hatred in your heart and speaking honestly about the world you see around you. I hope you don't stop doing the latter because some may accuse you of the former.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Pedro L. Gonzalez

Pedro, I enjoy the style and thoughtfulness of your content. You consider politics and life from a more intellectual perspective than most.

The leaked messages were obviously to stop your calling out Trump's failures, and we need your contributions in the cultural battles. This concerned me enough to share my response.

Antisemitism is used without merit to defame often. It’ is a terrible Democrat tool that Trump’s team has taken on in their ruthless strategy.

Your explanation didn't really address the elephant in the room, perhaps because there is no defending the comments you made, just a few years ago Ben Shapiro, whom you so reviled , repudiates cancel culture with his belief that it deprives the cancelled of the chance to grow up. and become better human beings. Only you know your personal attitudes today and I don’t believe anyone should demand apology or consequences. I must state the obvious though. . A Jewish person refusing to make everything about ethnicity, nevertheless knows most people hate us but just keep quiet. It’s a sad comment on humanity in America. It does hurt each time when it is from people you like and respect in other aspects. That is life as a minority, and you probably deal with a similar distrust of the duplicitous nature of the majority in society.

I value your content and the revelations have no effect on that.

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I am sorry, Sam. I am not done with the topic. I am working on something. I am not sure when it will be ready, but I think it will go toward making things right. In general, my moving away from the right--not toward the left, but beyond these categories, I hope--has coincided with developing a revulsion for the performative bigotry that has become a feature of certain corners of the right.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Pedro L. Gonzalez

I had decided to leave your Substack behind a couple months ago for a few reasons, but when I ran across the Breitbart piece, it put that decision into a strange light that seemed to require of me some further consideration.

Of course, the piece was a hit job for the obvious reasons, and though I disagree with the sentiments of yours that the piece cited, having some sense of you and your writing, I hardly believed that you yourself hold to the things you said—in fact, the whole thing now smacks of a kind of youthfulness, which in turns puts my earlier concerns into a sharper perspective.

You talk of the transforming aspect of fatherhood, which I shared and understood, exactly as you describe, forty years ago. You talk of your opposition to Trump, like so many of your readers, with the fervor of having first left liberalism behind, and then Trump behind.—Sometimes the virtual world reaches out of the screen and just shocks you with your own misperception.—Changing your mind, seeing things anew, finding a new ideal, something worthy of stubbornness. I know all these feelings.

You are a beautiful writer and that has been the part so hard to let go of.

I submit that you are wrong about Trump—not factually, but politically. Stubbornly, youthfully, you will disagree with me, of course. But I've read your arguments which, however sharply worded they are, never come to the point. The inescapable point is that your actions could contribute to putting another Democrat in the White House. It is the young man in you that refuses to calculate the harm this might do. I imagine you might even be willing to argue that it might be a good thing if a Republican is not in the White House for another five years.

Well, I think that's just foolish.

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I appreciate your comments.

I don't support Trump anymore for political and moral reasons. You're right about the zeal of conversion and ideological evolution. I want to write less about the primary and more about that, ideas, and books. But my political and moral opposition to Trump was validated by what was essentially the Trump campaign's attempt to ruin me through the Breitbart hit piece. It violated everything people like me told ourselves about Trumpism: never punch right, never use leftist tactics within the tent, never weaponize private conversations. I am not going to continue harping on this. But what happened to me confirmed in my mind that Trumpism has been a disaster for the people who believed in it the most, like I once did.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Pedro L. Gonzalez

I think the bigger the things you tackle, the better.

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I will. I gave a talk recently on Tacitus and Sophocles and the possibility of teaching virtue. I hope to write about those sorts of things here more.

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I am disgusted that people will publish messages from a private chat for no other purpose than to hurt someone. Breitbart is essentially publishing revenge porn.

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Yes, i was bothered by BB. If Mr. Gonzalez were pro Trump they wouldn't have publoshed it. I am bothered by their anti Desantis messaging.

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Our enemies use our secrets to blackmail us. They threaten to divulge the awful thing we did, in the hopes that we will shrink back from the fray. But still the threat exists, except for this momentary respite. The only way to get rid of the blackmail completely is to confess your sins. All of it, with complete clarity and humility. The reason this works so effectively is that the secret is no longer secret. Everyone knows about it. We've all said or written something that we regret. We've all screwed up, royally. All of us. Every, last, one of us. We are not a people made up of really great people, some good, some terrible. We (you and me and them over there) are all in various stages of awfulness . None of us are any good. I appreciate you letting us know what's been going on, but I'm with Daniel H. on this one: I didn't really need an explanation. I read your writings because they are weighty. Not because you're as pure as the wind-driven snow. There's some heft to what you write. It's like difference between slamming the door of a Bentley(you) versus any small American car (almost every other columnist). Keep that up, please.

So, now that we've got that out of the way, let's all get back to work saving this great country.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Pedro L. Gonzalez

God bless you, Pedro. What you are doing takes courage. Keep up the good work and know that many are praying for you.

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Thank you, Mark. That means a lot.

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I’d subscribe but I’m already subscribed. Keep up the great work.

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No need to apologize, it's not really all that out there or dark or whatever, it's quite normal.

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